Every weekend, at the Grotto, an international rosary by torchlight

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The torchlight procession is the most popular image of Lourdes. This winter, there will be an international rosary by torchlight at the Grotto on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, starting at 8:30 pm. This will allow pilgrims or visitors to feel more welcomed with a specific occasion of prayer.

The Capuchin community, the St. Martin community and the community of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate will be in charge of leading this event, as well as any of the other chaplains who would like to be present.

Thank you to all those whose support means that, during the winter, our Sanctuary is truly a place of life and healing.

Most Rev. Olivier RIBADEAU DUMAS
Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes

 Even in winter, you can experience a pilgrimage in Lourdes

A crib trail

From 8th December, it will be possible to follow a trail of cribs, every day at 2:30 pm.

Pilgrimage to the Grotto

Every Saturday and Sunday, meet at the Information Centre at 2 pm to take part in this guided tour.

If you would like to take part in one or the other of these events, please go to the Information Centre: saccueil@lourdes-france.com +33 (0) 5 62 42 20 08

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