Let us reflect on the Gospel read at the blessing of palms

As the Lord enters Jerusalem for the climax and completion of His earthly mission, He is very clear about the details which help to make the meaning clear – the disciples will find a colt tied up which they are to bring Him.   We may ponder on how Jesus knew these circumstances of His entry.   Indeed, we are entering a great mystery so there is no certainly about this, yet it was most likely revealed to Him in prayer, in a dream, or through linking recent events.   It is important that we think about this in order not to lose sight of His humanity.   Saint Bernadette would have known in a similar way that she had to go to the Grotto for the second apparition in spite of the protests of her mother.  
As we follow the Lord, are we serious enough to take notice of the details to fulfill God’s will perfectly and so that the meaning of events in our lives may be realised?
Do I bypass the details in my work situation out of laziness?  Do I give enough attention to the details of the lives of those closest to me?  Am I generally too busy and not prayerful enough to give attention to significant details in my life?

As a consequence of Jesus giving attention to detail, the prophecy that He would enter the city on a colt is fulfilled.   The disciples clearly call Him  Lord  and yet He rides not in a charriot but on a donkey.   The disciples respond by giving HIm their clothes, a symbol of human dignity.   They praise Him for His mighty works, one of which is His humility being exercised right there and then.
When other sisters were being sent out for their various apostolates, Saint Bernadette had to remain in Nevers, doing little and livivng humbly.   What do Ineed to change in order to live more humbly?  Could it be clothes and jewelery?  Could it be genuinely accepting not being considered for promotion at work or even in the service of the Church?

Jesus responds positively to the crowds and even defends them against some Pharisees, less to be glorified by them than to show that He believes in and accepts the mission given Him by the Father.   Do we allow the success and achievements of our lives to lead to pride and the vain glory that accompanies it?  Do my successes spur me on to believe more deeply and accept both my mission and cross as a disciple more wholeheartedly?

Father Paul Anthony Horrocks
Chaplain at the Lourdes Sanctuary

Lord, help me to strive for perfection by giving attention to the details of my life guided by Your Holy Spirit.   May I choose the humble way so that You may be glorofied in me and lead me to a greater enthusiasm for the fulfilllment of the mission You have given me.

Let us pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.