11th february 2019 XXVII world day of the sick

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On the XXVII World Day of the Sick, to be solemnly celebrated on 11th February 2019 in Calcutta, India. In his message, Pope Francis recalls, “Caring for the sick requires professionalism, tenderness, straightforward and simple gestures freely given, like a caress that makes others feel loved.

The joy of generous giving is a barometer of the health of a christian.

On 11th February, Lourdes celebrates Our Lady of Lourdes. From 8th February, pilgrimage directors, hospitality presidents, all those volunteers who take care of the transport and the care of sick people enabling them to come to the rock of Massabielle, entrust all their intentions to Mary. All these “generous hearts” are responding to the Pope’s call in his message. “We know that health is relational, dependent on interaction with others, and requiring trust, friendship and solidarity. It is a treasure that can be enjoyed fully only when it is shared. The joy of generous giving is a barometer of the health of a Christian. Thus, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11th February, is for all “an invitation to recognise in the face of our suffering brothers, the face of Christ …” (John Paul II).