February 26 : Ash Wednesday

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Ash Wednesday beginning of a journey of conversion

“On the Wednesday before the first Sunday of Lent, Christians, upon receiving the ashes, enter the established time for the purification of the soul. This sign of penance, which comes from biblical tradition and which the custom of the Church has preserved for us, manifests the condition of the sinful man, who externally confesses his fault before the Lord and thus expresses his will for inner conversion, led by the hope that the Lord will show him tenderness and pity, slow to anger and full of love (df. Psalm 102, 8) This sign marks the beginning of the journey of conversion, which will come to an end by celebrating the sacrament of penance in the days leading up to Easter.”

Ceremonial of bishops, n°253

Celebrations of the Sanctuary

Wednesday February 26,
imposition of ashes at all Masses

French : 7h30, at the Crypt
9h45, at the Grotto
11h15, Rosary basilica
16h15, Rosary Basilica

English : 9h, Saint-Jean-Marie-Vianney Chapel

Italian : 11h, chapelle Saint-Jean-Marie-Vianney