Lourdes and its message

The official website of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes

Since the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 1858, millions of people from all over the world have flocked to Lourdes every year to experience the grace of this place. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is above all the place of healing of bodies and hearts where one comes to pray humbly to the one who revealed her name to Bernadette Soubirous: “I am the Immaculate Conception”.

The Message of Lourdes, a treasure to be discovered

Coming to Lourdes for the first time means first of all looking at and discovering this place where the Virgin Mary appeared eighteen times in 1858. It means feeling the faith of the thousands of pilgrims who respond to Our Lady’s call to “come here in processionand observing the hope of all the sick pilgrims who come to the Grotto for a little comfort and – why not – the grace of healing. Seeing the charity of all those, volunteers and hospitallers, who come to serve others, means experiencing the Message of Lourdes in practice.

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary
Million pilgrims every year
‘Chapelains’ in the service of pilgrims
Cures recognized as miraculous

At Lourdes, the poor and the sick come first

In a society marked by individualism, Lourdes wants to respond with fraternity. To material success, Lourdes wants to respond with the price and value of poverty. To the cult of the body, Lourdes wants to respond with the dignity of all life. To mistrust, Lourdes responds with trust. To isolation and loneliness, Lourdes responds with gathering and joy.

A working community in the service of pilgrims

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is not just a historical monument that is maintained; it is a lively place that gets transformed, year after year, in order to better welcome pilgrims from all over the world and make each one discover its historical richness and the universality of its message.



Make a donation to support the mission of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes

Every day, for more than 160 years, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes has welcomed pilgrims from all over the world, especially the most fragile and suffering, so that everyone can experience the grace of Lourdes. The Sanctuary is the world’s leading network of “hospitalités” serving the sick and is supported in its mission by the Friends of Our Lady of Lourdes Community, made up of donors, benefactors, volunteers and organisers of pilgrimages to Lourdes.
We are committed to use your donation concretely to allow sick people to live their pilgrimage in the best material and spiritual conditions, maintain and restore the Sanctuary’s heritage, and give pilgrims from all over the world the means to live a pilgrimage under the eyes of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The projects of the Sanctuary

Projects for the Future

Youth Village

Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (Upper Basilica)

Legacy / Donations